An Ev'l 'nfluence Ha5 '» They Kill Our Brothers And 'nf'ltrated U5! They 5teai- ' Sisters, They Butcher Our Cousins Our People: Bra'nwash And Sell Them I=or Parts! They Make. Them And Worse! Meals Out Of What's Left!. 7 We Band Together! Let's Ride And Liberate The Rim!. Freedom For The Rim Why Must These Pirates Raid U5? Can’t They Leave Our Peaceful Colony Alone?
140 – Nah, it’s still their fault
Posted on Dec 9, 2017
Imagine if you did take a standing hit with all factions for every crime against humanity. What if the frequency or strength of the raiding party was based on how negative the standing was. Things would get pretty intense or dull quick.